Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reflecting on Revision [Due: 2/8]

     I enjoy reading what other people think about the previous reading. It definitely helps my interpretation as well when I am able to hear what other students and or teachers think about the writing. We often times miss some crucial story details because we are more focussed on other specific topics of the story. She did a great job getting her points accross and showing me as a reader how she felt while reading the story.

    Krista as well took the use of Sedaris's humor in "Standing By" to interpret.She too thinks the way he incorporates his jokes makes the story flow better and allows people to maybe feel a little less odended by his deragatory remarks so they continue reading.

    "The fact that I can relate to the story makes it a lot more interesting" Krista noted at the end of her first paragraph. She makes several references as to how she too feels the same feelings as Sedaris so the story is easier to understand. Another was she expresses she sides with Sedaris about his airport views is in the second paragrpah when she says, "When you can put yourself into his shoes it makes the whole story a lot funnier because you know exactly what he is going through and it becomes real." I liked the fact that Krista uses her flying experiences to relate to the story and see it on a more in depth level.

    I think although many of us interpret Sedaris's story in much of the same ways we will all still manage to have different ways to express those interpretations. I felt as though I needed to include a summary in the beginning of the story as far as what I read so that the reader has some background to know what exactly I'm talking about.

   Going through and revising my paper I will definitely add in more on why I felt the way I did and give more details supporting which such as giving direct quotes from the text. I reference a lot of parts to the story but I don't necessarily quote the whole part of the story, so I think that will help to add more meaning to what I'm interpreting if I can show Sedaris's words as well as my own.

1 comment:

  1. I love the reflection that is happening here, Paige. It's good that you can identify what you like about others' writing. That's what allows people to grow as writers.

    Your plans for your essay sound good. You're being thoughtful of your readers. Now: what will you do to make your essay stand out?
